Best Real Estate Website Design For LLRE
- Industry: Real Estate & Moving
- Type: Website Design
- Project Timeline: 2-3 Weeks
What We Delivered
- Web Design
- Easy CMS
- Responsive Design
- Professional Layout
- Gallery
- Contact Form
Summary of
The LLRE Website Design Project
Find the Best Real Estate Website Design to showcase your offer & convert it into a sale. Discover more ideas & designs for LLRE by our creative designer
LLRE are focused on designing, developing, and building affordable housing, from the ground up, on vacant lots within the inner-city communities throughout Columbus, Ohio, and Southern California. Inner cities suffer from a lack of affordable housing opportunities while rents are continuing to increase for lower-income residents. As developers, they hope to provide affordable housing options to both uplift residents and revitalize communities.
What The Client Had to Say
"I liked that the developer took my edit requests and diligently worked in each and every request to completion. This saved me a ton of time that I don't have and we got back something even more than what we requested."